Trash Issue
Posted on Jun 2nd, 2017

As you may be aware, some or all waste management services had been suspended in Kingston Lakes and Kingston by the Park Homes Associations this week. 
Contrary to what excuses were provided by Deffenbaugh Disposal Service/Waste Management, a new executed contract has been in place since the beginning of the year and payment for services had been cut, mailed, received and cashed by mid-month, every month this year.  DDS/WM has been made aware of this and has reported that all three services (household waste, recycling and yard waste) that were scheduled for this week will be done by the end of the day today.  Regular pickup will also be scheduled on Monday as per the contract.
DDS/WM has apologized for this inconvenience.  If you have any questions, please contact Blake Frischer (Home Association Solutions) at (913)825-0001.  
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